Fruit Palace

‘The front of the Fruit Palace was what it was, it was a Fruit Palace, they sold fruits and vegetables. And then it had a ramp at the back of the shop that went back into this big milk bar part. Their specialty was banana splits, and you could have spiders and milkshakes and things like that. That was there for a long time, and it was a great meeting place for high school kids.’
— Judy

‘The old Fruit Palace there, for young people was a Friday night special. We used to sit up there having spiders, milkshakes, trying to catch on to a couple of girls or something. You know, just typical young people. We were probably no different to what the young ones do today in that sense.’
— Joe

‘Oh the Fruit Palace, look at how it’s displayed! It was beautiful, and now we have a local person that’s come into the town recently and gone back into the system where fruits and vegetables were displayed artistically.’
— Pat