Public Program

Home Is Where the ‘Art Is: Beaded Beasts inspired by Milan Milojevic & Joybelle

Devonport Regional Gallery

CLICK HERE FOR INSTRUCTIONS To Beaded Beasts Inspired By Milan Milojevic & Joybelle

Beaded Beast art work by Avni Singh, 10 years old

Cassandra Stott drawing her birds for the Beaded Beasts project and carefully placing beads.

  Cassandra Stott’s completed beaded birds!

Jeremiah Stott drawing his bird for the Beaded Beast project

Jeremiah Stott carefully placing beads onto his work using PVA glue and a skewer stick

Jeremiah Stott’s completed beaded bird!

A beaded butterfly by Kirralee, a Children’s University Tasmania participant


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Mar 18 - 25 2021


Creative Space