2022 UCP Object Design Exhibition: CARE
Devonport Regional Gallery

UCP Object Design 2022: CARE
Object Design exhibition of UCP College student works centred around the Design Theme: CARE
27 September – 15 October 2022
Devonport Regional Gallery
paranaple arts centre Foyer Space
The University of Tasmania’s School of Creative Arts and Media invites you to a state-wide Object Design exhibition of UCP College student works.
Object Design is taught within secondary colleges across the state. Enrolled students receive one on one support and guidance from UTAS Mentors to develop their design concepts whilst they work in their college studios with their teachers.
The University Connections Program (UCP) provides a unique opportunity for year 11 and 12 students to undertake introductory university units specifically designed for senior secondary students. The Program is offered in partnership between the University of Tasmania, Tasmanian Schools and the Office of Tasmanian Assessment Standards and Certification (TASC).
The 2022 Design Theme is CARE. All are welcome to experience these responsive new works in Hobart, Launceston and Devonport from 27th September – 14th October 2022.

Image credit: From left to right- 2021 Chloe Richman- 2020 Madeline Arthur Hull- 2018 Sam Page- 2020 textile work- 2020 Samuel Goodsir- 2021 Jack McShane.
All are welcome to join us at the Exhibition Opening Event on Tuesday 27 September 5:30pm at the Devonport Regional Gallery
This is a free event.
UTAS Website: https://www.utas.edu.au/events/2022/september/ucp-object-design-exhibition-devonport?SQ_DESIGN_NAME=new&SQ_PAINT_LAYOUT_NAME=new
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/2022-ucp-object-design-exhibition-tickets-404354624567
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- Sep 27 2022 - Oct 15 2022
- Expired!